Tired of Frizz?
No one likes frizzy, rough, and unmanageable hair extensions. Here is a product that will tame your hair extensions, while leaving them super soft, and frizz free!!! I bought this product because I spent an hour and a half flat ironing my curly hair extensions bone straight (which by the way is a very tedious process), only to walk outside and have the humidity get to it. Just imagine finally straightening your hair and knowing you look badder than a 2 year old, when your hair weave frizzes up…YUCK! Then I thought about it, since I have virgin hair, I still have to treat it as if it’s my own hair. This includes protecting it from the weather. At this point I was completely lost because my normal oily hair products would definitely not work on my hair extensions. This sent me on a hunt to find a dry oil. There I not particular reason why I chose this serum (besides the reason that it was not an ethnic product), by I’m glad that I did. Once I used this product I freaking fell in love.
If your are experiencing dryness or frizz this product is awesome!!! It is called Garnier Frutis sleek and shine anti-frizz serum. Not only does it prevent frizz, but it also leaves your extensions feeling super soft, without leaving them greasy and oily. I got this product from CVS for $4.99, I'm sure it is available at all convenient stores. I really loved it and I hope you like it as much as I do.
If you have any products that your recommend for hair extensions e-mail a small description, your name, the product name, price, and picture to pinkarpethair@yahoo.com and we will post it!!!